1858年に出され、日本では福澤諭吉の『学問のすすめ』と並んで読まれたという明治の大ベストセラー『西国立志編』の現代語訳版(原題は『Self-Help, with Illustrations of Character and Conduct』)。「天は自ら助くる者を助く」という独立自尊の精神を広めた、古典的名著である。


本書は、イギリスが世界最強であった時代に書かれたものである。巻末の「訳者のことば」で訳者は、「そのころに比べて現在のイギリスの勢いがやや衰えているのは、自助の心を持ったイギリス人の数が少なくなったからである。いわゆる『成熟病』がイギリスに災いしたのである」と語っている。成熟期を迎えた現在の日本にこそ、必要な1冊なのかもしれない。(土井英司) --このテキストは、 文庫 版に関連付けられています。

'The spirit of self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual; and, exhibited in the lives of many, it constitutes the true source of national vigour and strength.' A bestseller immediately after its publication in 1859, Self-Help propelled its author to fame and rapidly became one of Victorian Britain's most important statements on the allied virtues of hard work, thrift, and perseverance. Interpreted by some as a paean to personal avarice, Smiles's most celebrated book is in fact a practical and engaging tribute to the working- and lower-middle classes, in whom he identified the capacity for self-improvement and for whom he tirelessly advocated the right of social advancement. Part practical guide, part proverbial testament, part secular hagiography, this literary hybrid turns biography into an inspirational medium that awakens readers to their own potential and instils the desire to succeed. Smiles's book is the precursor of today's motivational and self-help literature, although its vision is significantly more cosmopolitan than that of most books in a still-expanding genre. This edition includes a fully indexed glossary to the more than 750 names discussed by Smiles.